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  • Writer's pictureJustyne DeWilde

Home Design Studio + Office | One Room Challenge : Week 3

Hello, Hello, Hello! Its week three of the One Room Challenge which means we are officially half way through the six-week challenge…but who’s counting right? Our progress is coming along but man-o-man it sure doesn’t feel like it. We have hit a few design roadblocks which have called for team troubleshooting sessions but the solutions have been very worth it. Our sponsors have been instrumental in getting us to where we are and we couldn’t be more thankful. The room sure does look like its come along way but knowing what we have in front of us is going to get us moving and making decisions real quickly! This is where we left off for the week:

Week three started out with a visit from our amazing sponsor, Sherwin Williams. Kimberlee and Kelsey stopped by the house with all the goodies needed to hit the ground running as well as some amazing tips on how to tackle the painting on the to-do list. When we first connected for ORC, we did a phone consultation where she got a lay of the land and I explained the design for the room. She immediately had suggestions on which lines of paint to use for the different sections of the room. It just so happens that Sherwin Williams just launched a new line of paint that works amazing for trim and wainscoting. Their new Emerald Urethane Trim Enamel Collection is perfect for our needs. We decided to go with High Reflective White for a bright and pure white to ground the room and emphasize the black feature color above the wainscoting. Kimberlee then recommended that we go with Sherwin Williams Cashmere Interior Acrylic Flat Enamel Collection for the upper portion of the walls and ceiling as I was wanting a matte and bold color that would read well in all types of light during the day.

Not only were Kimberlee’s recommendations helpful in the process of making selections, she also had quite a few tips in her bag of tricks to help us tackle the project. Her first tip was to paint the feature color, Sherwin Williams Black Magic, on the wall and run the color up a few inches before the ceiling and a few inches down past where the wainscoting would end. She explained that this would be helpful when it came to getting a clean line without coats and coats of paint and touch ups. We made sure to get the black up before the contractor, Rory’s Dad, came over to trim out the window, door, and closet. Since the trim and wainscoting will be High Reflective White, we opted for a pre-primed MDF from Homewood Building Supply. This will allow us to easily get color up once the nail holes are filled and sanded down.

For the office (10’ x 10’ish) we used the following items from Sherwin Williams:

(1) Gallon of Cashmere Paint in the Color Black Magic for the accent strip above the wainscoting

(1) Gallon of Cashmere Paint in High Reflective White for the ceiling

(2) Gallons of Emerald Paint in High Reflective White for the wainscoting, window casing, closet casing, door casing, baseboard, and ceiling trim

(2) Rollers, one for accent color and one for white

(1) Purdy Brush

(1) Caulking Gun

(4) Tubes of Caulking

(1) Roll of Frogtape

(1) 9’ x 12’ Dropcloth

Rory and his dad tackled the bulk of the paneling while I was away on work for the weekend. We opted to do a true Board and Batten Wainscoting for the room as we have very textured walls. While it would have been much more budget conscious to go the DIY route of having the wall act as the base, it would have looked very off and cheap for this small space. We stopped by our sponsor, Homewood Building Supply, Loomis location for supplies on Friday and got the paneling up by Saturday. It was ultra convenient due to their large in-stock warehouse. We walked in with a list and out with a truck full of product within an hour! Ms. Jenny Stone was instrumental in getting the project done on a timeline and we are so grateful for the sponsorship.

To finish up the week, we worked on getting the bulk of the nail holes filled and sanded on the paneling so that we could get on two base coats of the Sherwin Williams Emerald Paint in High Reflective White before adding the final battens and trim.

The list is is getting crossed of quickly but for every time we cross off it seems like we have at least three more lines getting added. Next week, its hopefully furniture time. We have a LOT of IKEA building and Rory's not thrilled but maybe I can bribe him with pizza and beer. Wish me luck!

Honey To-Do List:

[Remove Current Trim and Base Boards]

[Cut out Window Ledge and Bullnose Corners]

[Paint Upper Accent Color]

[Trim out Window]

[Trim out Closet]

[Re-Trim out Door]

[Wainscoting Panels]

-Wainscoting Trim


[Fill and Sand Nail Holes]

[Remove Standard Builder Closet]

[Re-Texture Walls in Closet]

[Paint Closet]

-Paint Wainscoting and Trim


-Remove Nipple Flushmount

-Add New Pendant Lighting

-Fabricate Posts for Desk

-Build (2) Short Storage Files

-Build (2) Medium Storage Files

-Build Desk

-Build Closet Storage

-Swap Hardware

-Build Storage Wall


-Gallery Wall

-Add Rug


Check out other guest participants here: ORC Blog page ( Enjoy,


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Christin Cieslarski
Christin Cieslarski
Apr 20, 2019

This is going to be so good! I am also working on my home office using some IKEA furniture! I can't wait to see your final reveal!! :)


Apr 19, 2019

OOOH, love the color black magic and that you had a team from SW! Love them!!

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